The rise of sinking dreams
The Shielmartin tells a story of a unique vessel and its special contribution to the future projects of a group of talented people.
It shows how a sailing ship 'rigged as a yawl' was presumed lost, discovered and restored to become something even better and more exciting: a future-proof sailing yacht. The Shielmartin is a vessel that has gained new strength to survive wind and water, but without losing its proud and authentic history.
A group of unemployed young people rebuilt this ship and incorporated this amazing new technology. It were these 'rough diamonds' with their hitherto unrecognised talents who truly enable the 'rise of sinking dreams'.
Rising youth's sinking dreams
Supporting youth that are in need for that little nudge. They missed the ship and can use the mentally inspiring effect of the open sea. We also stimulate learning to sail. That's our purpose.

Activiteiten ’24
Since 2016, the Shielmartin team organizes different events. This year we have:

De Warmste Week ’24
Kies zelf je dag – Breskens
Een namiddag zeilen op zee met 2 vriend(inn)en en een ervaren schipper. Ervaring is niet vereist. Broodjeslunch en afsluiten met heerlijk diner in de haven.
Zeil mee en steun de Warmste Week ’24!

Shielmartin Regatta
Za 29 juni ’24 – Zeebrugge
Regatta om de familie zeildag te sponsoren
Lightvessel race meets Shielmartin.
CR regatta (ism RBSC Zeebrugge)

Round the Sandbanks “Frans Maas” Classics
Za 14 sept ’24 – Breskens
Classics’ regatta om de familie zeildag te sponsoren
CR regatta (ism WV Breskens) + aparte regatta voor houten boten en look-a-likes. Ook motorboten welkom!

Kinder dialyse/oncologie familie zeildag
Zo 15 sept ’24 – Heusden
Dit jaar krijgen een 20-tal jonge nier- of kanker patiƫntjes zelf de kans om te zeilen in een optimist/catamaran op het Damslootmeer in Heusden, met dank aan de RBSC!
(ism UZ Gent)

The NPO Shielmartin
In 2016, the Shielmartin returned to its former glory: the beautiful Irish sailing yacht it once was. The Non-Profit-Organisation GOCA restored her, but the NPO Shielmartin was created to give the ship a new and socially driven life. Building on the restoration. A group of engaged people decided to organize diverse events, such as sailraces, concerts, ... to fund misfortunate youth's dreams.
Read more about the wonderfull heritage HERE.
High tech restoration
The restoration and renovation of the Shielmartin was based on the original blueprints and values, but it's equipment in line with the latest tech. Testament to the love for it's heritage and future evolutions. The vessel received -with respect for it's character and heritage - a state of the art hybrid engine and hightech instruments with a low carbon footprint guarantee.
This futur-o-stalgy was also true for the people restoring Shielmartin . For the rebuilt proces, youngsters showing the right motivation and drive were educated in carpentry and metalworking by GOCA GOCA (Ghent training centre for crafts). Experienced instructors with a track record in supporting youngsters and long-term unemployed people, guided them. On top of this, experts, such as the world reknowned Frans Maas (RIP 1 juli 2017) stood by them to closely and professionally follow up the project. Frans wanted to secure the nostalgia of the ship and transfer his knowledge to the younger generation at his age of 71.
The yacht
The Shielmartin is a sailing vessel in the category "Yawl" . The main mast is sloop rigged: a mainsail and a foresail. Because the mizzenmast is behind the wheel, this type of vessel is called a "yawl". The boat was originally designed for commercial fishing. Today it's mainly used for recreation and regattas.
reg. Tonnage:
gross Tonnage:
27 ft
10,1 ft
501 ft2
7,43 Mt
8,82 Mt

Main Sponsors
What we do, is impossible without our main sponsors: companies, organizations and governments. They donate because of social-cultural convictions or the innovative added value.

UZ GENT is zorgwerkgever van het jaar.
Het vakblad Zorg Magazine heeft het UZ Gent eind april 2022 verkozen tot Zorgwerkgever van het Jaar. De jury verkoos het UZ Gent boven 73 inzendingen van andere Vlaamse ziekenhuizen en zorginstellingen op basis van onder meer het theaterproject Antigone (2021). Daarin brachten meer dan 100 medewerkers een eigen versie van de tragedie tot leven op 7 locaties in het UZ Gent. De jury loofde de creativiteit en de samenhorigheid die het toneelstuk en de weg ernaartoe bij medewerkers teweegbracht.
Ruimte voor testimonial UZ Gent

Prof.dr. Eric Mortier

Multraship is een Nederlandse leider in sleep- en bergingsdiensten.
Multraship is deel van de Muller Maritime Group. Deze is in handen van de Muller Familie en het Hamburgse Fairplay Towage. Een echte familiezaak met de 4de generatie Muller aan het roer, zowel letterlijk als figuurlijk.
Ruimte voor testimonial Multraship

Leendert Muller

BDO is partner in Audit, Accountancy en Consultancy.
Het internationaal BDO-netwerk is in 1963 opgericht door drie Europese kantoren: Binder (UK), Dijker (NL), Otte (D) (waarvan de initialen het logo van BDO samenstellen), een Amerikaanse en een Canadese firma. BDO is vandaag de dag Ć©Ć©n van de belangrijkste organisaties ter wereld op het gebied van Audit, Accountancy en Consultancy.
Ruimte voor testimonial BDO

Peter Van Laer

Volledige ontzorger voor high-end emulsies.
Emulco is āHet Emulsie Bedrijf”, gespecialiseerd in high-end en complexe emulsies zoals EPDM, PIB en bio-emulsies voor hout, voedsel verpakking, constructie, cosmetica, , chemische en textiel industriĆ«n.
It's an honor to support this NPO and help the rise of sinking dreams.

Jean Vanhoebost
Every sponsor is invaluable. Not only the money, but also mentally and especially their network!

Thanks for your support!